Guide for trainers

The guide for trainers serves as a handbook for the MELODY CBRN training curriculum. It explains the background and aim of the MELODY training, gives information about the curriculum and its modules, the different training methods for the MELODY training material and presents the learning goals for the different modules. The guide further provides instructions for the trainer on how to tailor the training to the target audience.
Intentions, aims and content of the curriculum
Gives information about the scope of MELODY, the modular approach, for whom the MELODY training is intended, the experiences and expertise that is required for a trainer.
MELODY training material and training methods
Gives an explanation of the applied training methods, the developed training materials as well as an overview of the training methods per module in relation to the various learning objectives.
Tips & Tricks
Provides the trainer with some general tips and tricks when preparing a training.
The MELODY curriculum
Gives an overview of the different modules and the specific learning objectives.
How to use the curriculum and compose a MELODY training
​In this part the different training methods and training material are presented. Guidance as on how to use the material and how to deliver MELODY training is provided.
Annex 1-7 contain additional and more detailed information about the MELODY curriculum and how to use the material for tailored training.